Hai excomunión

Hunc librum
si invidiose
Titivillus mordederit,
mala morte moriatur,
in sartagine coquatur,
caducus morbus
instent eum in febres
et rotetur
et suspendatur.
Josep M. Pujol i Joan Solà, Ortotipografia, Barcelona, Columna, 1995, p. [425].
Titivillus was a demon said to work on behalf of Belphegor, Luciferor Satanto introduce errors into the work of scribes. The first reference to Titivillus by name occurred in Tractatus de Penitentia, c. 1285, by Johannes Galensis, John of Wales. 
Titivillus has also been described as collecting idle chat that occurs during church service, and mispronounced, mumbled or skipped words of the service, to take to Hell to be counted against the offenders.
Wikipedia, s.v. Titivillus.