
Let us not talk of the weather!

Japanese women in kimonos look at their mobile phones after attending a ceremony on Coming of Age Day in Tokyo -a national holiday to celebrate those who have reached the age of 20. Photograph Yuya Shino

Japanese women in kimonos look at their mobile phones after attending a ceremony on Coming of Age Day in Tokyo ─a national holiday to celebrate those who have reached the age of 20. Photograph by Yuya Shino.


«Johnson no toleraba que ninguno de sus amigos llenase los silencios de la conversación hablando del clima: “No hablemos del tiempo que hace”.»



«Johnson would suffer none of his friends to fill up chasms in conversation with remarks on the weather: “Let us not talk of the weather”.» —Burney



James Boswell (1740-1795), Vida de Samuel Johnson [Life of Samuel Johnson, 1791]. Edición y traducción de Miguel Martínez-Lage. Barcelona: El Acantilado, 2007, pp. 394-395, nota.