
… per pura consideració

gloria walker

Gloria Walker.



«Dels seus adulteris no se’n parlava per pura consideració.»


Joseph Roth (1894-1939), La Marxa de Radetzky [Radetzkymarsch, 1932]. Traducció de Joan Valls. Barcelona: Proa, p. 213.













All aboard!

Beijing-China - The former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger sits with the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, in the Great Hall of the People – Photograph by Thomas Peter

The former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger sits with the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing, China. Photograph by Thomas Peter.



«—Se m’ha escapat el tren!»


Joseph Roth (1894-1939), La Marxa de Radetzky [Radetzkymarsch, 1932]. Traducció de Joan Valls. Barcelona: Proa, p. 176.