
Everyday remarks, dull repetitions, old news, and heavy jokes

Seoul, South Korea-Hyon Song-wol, head of a popular North Korean art troupe, gets off a bus. She crossed the border to check preparations for next month_s Winter Olympics-Photograph by

Seoul, South Korea, Hyon Song-wol, head of a popular North Korean art troupe, gets off a bus. She crossed the border to check preparations for next month’s Winter Olympics. Photograph by Kim Sun-ung.


«Es van  dir unes quantes coses intel·ligents i unes quantes coses francament poca-soltes, però, en general, la majoria no pertanyien ni a l’una ni a l’altra categoria: res pitjor que comentaris quotidians, repeticions avorrides, notícies ja sentides i bromes que feien poca gràcia.»


«A few clever things said, a few downright silly, but by much the larger proportion neither the one nor the other—nothing worse than everyday remarks, dull repetitions, old news, and heavy jokes.»



Jane Austen (1775-1817), Emma (1815). Traducció Alba Dedeu. Martorell: Adesiara, 2014, cap. 26, p. 267.








Right conduct


La model Iskra Lawrence, de 26 anys, lluita contra els estereotips de bellesa, aquesta vegada des del metro de Nova York.



«Tothom sent respecte davant una conducta correcta.»


«Respect for right conduct is felt by every body.»


Jane Austen (1775-1817), Emma (1815). Traducció Alba Dedeu. Martorell: Adesiara, 2014, cap. 18, p. 183.







Perfect happiness


Nu couché (1917-1918), by Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920). This painting was (02.11.2015) sold to an unnamed Chinese buyer at Christie’s for $170.4 million, the second-highest price ever for a work of art at auction.


«La felicitat perfecta, fins i tot en la memòria, no és habitual.»


«Perfect happiness, even in memory, is not common.»


Jane Austen (1775-1817), Emma (1815). Traducció Alba Dedeu. Martorell: Adesiara, 2014, cap. 27, p. 281.






Tan bé que s’està a casa! -(;o))

Bill Murray as Walt Bishop in Moonrise Kingdom directed by Wes Anderson, 2012

Bill Murray as Walt Bishop in Moonrise Kingdom, directed by Wes Anderson, 2012.


«Quin disbarat, no deixar que la gent s’estigui còmodament a casa, i quin disbarat que la gent no s’estigui còmodament a casa quan podria fer-ho!»


«The folly of not allowing people to be comfortable at home —and the folly of people’s of not staying comfortable at home when they can!»


Jane Austen (1775-1817), Emma (1815). Traducció Alba Dedeu. Martorell: Adesiara, 2014, cap. 13, p. 139.