
No és cap secret


Revelers dressed in military-style clothes stage a food fight during the «Els Enfarinats» battle in the eastern town of Ibi [País Valencià], on Dec. 28. For about 200 years, participants have staged a mock coup d’état using flour, eggs and firecrackers outside the city town hall as part of the celebrations of the Day of the Innocents. One side consists of those trying to take control, while the other side aims to restore order. Photograph by @jaimereinafoto.



«—Senyors, no és cap secret per a vosaltres que els meus fills són uns complets idiotes.»


Vixnuxarmà, Pantxatantra [c. 200 aC]. Traducció del sànscrit d’Aleix Ruiz Falqués. Martorell: Adesiara, 2019, p. 19 («Prefaci»)