
The power of taking hold of experience, of turning it round, slowly, in the light

Brazil’s National Congress (1960), designed by Oscar Niemeyer- Brasilia, Brazil-Photo-Eraldo Peres-2007

Brazil’s National Congress (1960), designed by Oscar Niemeyer, Brasilia, Brazil. Photo: Eraldo Peres, 2007.


«L’avantatge d’envellir, va pensar en Peter Walsh mentre sortia de Regent’s Park amb el barret a la mà, era simplement aquesta: que les passions es mantenien tan vives com sempre, però s’adquiria —per fi!— la facultat que dóna a l’existència la flaire suprema —la facultat d’agafar l’experiència i fer-la girar, lentament, cap a la llum.»


«The compensation of growing old, Peter Walsh thought, coming out of Regent’s Park, and holding his hat in hand, was simply this; that the passions remain as strong as ever, but one has gained —at last! — the power which adds the supreme flavour to existence, —the power of taking hold of experience, of turning it round, slowly, in the light.»


Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), La senyora Dalloway [Mrs Dalloway, 1925]. Traducció de Dolors Udina. Barcelona: RBA La Magrana, 2013, p. 89.