
Bibliotheca mea

Stadtbibliothek, Stuttgart, 2011 Photographer Thibaud Poirier

Stadtbibliothek, Stuttgart, 2011, by Photographer Thibaud Poirier.



«Illic, opinor, habeo sedem, ubi bibliothecam meam habeo.»


«Tinc la residència allà on tinc la meva biblioteca.»


Erasme de Rotterdam, carta 809 [a Marcus Laurinus, Lovaina, 5 d’abril de 1518], lín. 117-118.


Citat en: Erasme de Rotterdam (1466-1536), No puc no parlar. Antologia dels Adagis traduïda i introduïda per Joan Tello Brugal. Girona: Ela Geminada, 2018, p. 9.













4 Gats by Ramon Casas, 1900

 4 Gats by Ramon Casas.


«Quan tinc una mica de diners, em compro llibres. Si sobra alguna cosa, em compro roba i menjar.»


«When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.»


Erasme de Rotterdam (1466-1536)


Variant de l’original:


«Ad Graecas literas totum animum applicui; statimque, ut pecuniam acceptero, Graecos primum autores, deinde vestes emam.»


«I have turned my entire attention to Greek. The first thing I shall do, as soon as the money arrives, is to buy some Greek authors; after that, I shall buy clothes.»


Letter to Jacob Batt (12 April 1500); Collected Works of Erasmus, Vol. 1 (1974).