
No les sabem mai…

The-Weinfeld-Family-2009Snir Stream Laguna 2010, by Frederic Brenner

The Weinfeld Family (2009), Snir Stream Laguna 2010, by Frederic Brenner. Photographer Frédéric Brenner had never seen a 5m dining table before he sat down to dinner with this Ashkenazi family in Israel. When he learned that the eldest daughter was about to get married, he knew he had to take the picture at that moment, ‘before there was one less child at the table’.


«No les sabem mai, quines coses passa l’altra gent; quines coses passen entre les quatre parets d’una casa, quins secrets… »


Harper Lee (1926), Matar un rossinyol [To Kill a Mockingbird, 1960]. Traducció de Xavier Pàmies. Barcelona: Labutxaca, 2015, p. 63.